Thursday 25 September 2014

Milano....Fashion Week and all that Jazz!

Spending a weekend in Milan/o is not that difficult when going over from Rome, its just a hop skip and a jump away. The difficult part was finding a nice hotel to stay at during fashion week that didn't cost €800 a night.....So did I find one? Nope! Instead I found an apartment that looked cute and modern and nice, but turned out to be blah, depressing and just nothing special really. But in order to be in that city during Fashion Week, its only natural to try and overlook a few things, no?

After all you'll probably be spending your days ogling over male and female models walking the sidewalks as if they were being watched by Lagerfeld. My first "sighting" happened as soon as I got off the train and was queueing to get a taxi...there he rocker in shining armour. Tall, long hair, beard, jeans, t-shirt and just casual but oh so bloody hot....was he a model? who the hell knows but he was perfect. As I kept turning around to look at this master piece, it was my turn to get in a taxi, dammit!! And just like that, my life of happiness with Adonis slipped through my fingers within a second.

My trip to Milan was actually took off because of Pharell Williams' concert. How could I possibly miss such a concert, and during Fashion week was just the perfect union of my two loves...and Pharell's loves might I add!

How often do you get to see people dressed to the nines at 9am, going I don't know where, but they look like they have a place to be! And those that pull out all the weirdest garb they have just to be noticed and to look like they're in the know...I just found it to be a very amusing experience which I would definitely repeat. Hell even if i had no parties to go to, I wouldn't mind just hanging out on Montenapoleone with a glass of something in my hand and 12 inch heels on my feet!

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